The Objective Caml system release 3.10
last mod. 2008-12-12 (金) 19:58:23
3.06 と 3.10 の英語マニュアルの chapter ごとの diffを作っています。
タイトル | 訳者 | status |
目次 | 下村 | 完了 |
始めに | 下村 | 完了 |
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Standard Library
- Module Arg?: parsing of command line arguments
- Module Array?: array operations
- Module ArrayLabels?: array operations (with labels)
- Module Buffer?: extensible string buffers
- Module Callback?: registering Caml values with the C runtime
- Module Char?: character operations
- Module Complex?: Complex numbers
- Module Digest?: MD5 message digest
- Module Filename?: operations on file names
- Module Format?: pretty printing
- Module Gc?: memory management control and statistics; finalised values
- Module Genlex?: a generic lexical analyzer
- Module Hashtbl?: hash tables and hash functions
- Module Int32?: 32-bit integers
- Module Int64?: 64-bit integers
- Module Lazy?: deferred computations.
- Module Lexing?: the run-time library for lexers generated by ocamllex
- Module List?: list operations
- Module ListLabels?: list operations (with labels)
- Module Map?: association tables over ordered types
- Module Marshal?: marshaling of data structures
- Module MoreLabels?: Include modules Hashtbl, Map and Set with labels
- Module Nativeint?: processor-native integers
- Module Oo?: object-oriented extension
- Module Parsing?: the run-time library for parsers generated by ocamlyacc
- Module Printexc?: facilities for printing exceptions
- Module Printf?: formatting printing functions
- Module Queue?: first-in first-out queues
- Module Random?: pseudo-random number generator (PRNG)
- Module Scanf?: formatted input functions
- Module Set?: sets over ordered types
- Module Sort?: sorting and merging lists
- Module Stack?: last-in first-out stacks
- Module StdLabels?: Include modules Array, List and String with labels
- Module Stream?: streams and parsers
- Module String?: string operations
- Module StringLabels?: string operations (with labels)
- Module Sys?: system interface
- Module Weak?: arrays of weak pointers