

last mod. 2008-08-28 (木) 09:57:02


<      MacOS: 
<                 A fairly complete emulation of the Unix system calls is
<                provided in the MacOS version of Objective Caml. The end of this
<                chapter gives more information on the functions that are not
<                supported under MacOS. 
<                 A fairly complete emulation of the Unix system calls is
<                provided in the Windows version of Objective Caml. The end of
<                this chapter gives more information on the functions that are
<                not supported under Windows. 
>     A fairly complete emulation of the Unix system calls is provided in the
>    Windows version of Objective Caml. The end of this chapter gives more
>    information on the functions that are not supported under Windows. 
<                 The type of error codes.   Errors defined in the POSIX standard
<                 and additional errors from UNIX98 and BSD.  All other errors
<                are mapped to EUNKNOWNERR.
>     The type of error codes. Errors defined in the POSIX standard and
>    additional errors from UNIX98 and BSD. All other errors are mapped to
<                 Raised by the system calls below when an error is encountered. 
<                The first component is the error code; the second component  is
<                the function name; the third component is the string parameter 
<                to the function, if it has one, or the empty string otherwise.
>     Raised by the system calls below when an error is encountered. The first
>    component is the error code; the second component is the function name; the
>    third component is the string parameter to the function, if it has one, or
>    the empty string otherwise.
<                 handle_unix_error f x applies f to x and returns the result. 
<                If the exception Unix_error is raised, it prints a message 
<                describing the error and exits with code 2.
>     handle_unix_error f x applies f to x and returns the result. If the
>    exception Unix_error is raised, it prints a message describing the error and
>    exits with code 2.
<                 Return the process environment, as an array of strings  with
<                the format ``variable=value''.
>     Return the process environment, as an array of strings with the format
>    "variable=value".
<                 Return the value associated to a variable in the process 
<                environment. Raise Not_found if the variable is unbound.  (This
<                function is identical to Sys.getenv.)
>     Return the value associated to a variable in the process environment. Raise
>    Not_found if the variable is unbound. (This function is identical to
>    Sys.getenv.)
<                 Unix.putenv name value sets the value associated to a  variable
<                in the process environment.  name is the name of the environment
<                variable,  and value its new associated value.
>     Unix.putenv name value sets the value associated to a variable in the
>    process environment. name is the name of the environment variable, and value
>    its new associated value.
<                 The process terminated normally by exit;   the argument is the
<                return code. 
>     The process terminated normally by exit; the argument is the return code. 
<                 The process was killed by a signal;  the argument is the signal
<                number. 
>     The process was killed by a signal; the argument is the signal number. 
<                 The process was stopped by a signal; the argument is the 
<                signal number. 
>     The process was stopped by a signal; the argument is the signal number. 
<                 do not block if no child has  died yet, but immediately return
<                with a pid equal to 0. 
>     do not block if no child has died yet, but immediately return with a pid
>    equal to 0. 
<   val execv : string -> string array -> unit
>   val execv : string -> string array -> 'a
<                 execv prog args execute the program in file prog, with  the
<                arguments args, and the current process environment.
>     execv prog args execute the program in file prog, with the arguments args,
>    and the current process environment. These execv* functions never return: on
>    success, the current program is replaced by the new one; on failure, a
>    Unix.Unix_error[21.1] exception is raised.
<   val execve : string -> string array -> string array -> unit
>   val execve : string -> string array -> string array -> 'a
<                 Same as Unix.execv[21.1], except that the third argument
<                provides the  environment to the program executed.
>     Same as Unix.execv[21.1], except that the third argument provides the
>    environment to the program executed.
<   val execvp : string -> string array -> unit
>   val execvp : string -> string array -> 'a
<                 Same as Unix.execv[21.1] respectively, except that  the program
<                is searched in the path.
>     Same as Unix.execv[21.1], except that the program is searched in the path.
<   val execvpe : string -> string array -> string array -> unit
>   val execvpe : string -> string array -> string array -> 'a
<                 Same as Unix.execvp[21.1] respectively, except that  the
<                program is searched in the path.
>     Same as Unix.execve[21.1], except that the program is searched in the path.
<                 Fork a new process. The returned integer is 0 for the child 
<                process, the pid of the child process for the parent process.
>     Fork a new process. The returned integer is 0 for the child process, the
>    pid of the child process for the parent process.
<                 Wait until one of the children processes die, and return its
<                pid  and termination status.
>     Wait until one of the children processes die, and return its pid and
>    termination status.
<                 Same as Unix.wait[21.1], but waits for the process whose pid is
<                given.  A pid of -1 means wait for any child.  A pid of 0 means
<                wait for any child in the same process group  as the current
<                process.  Negative pid arguments represent process groups.  The
<                list of options indicates whether waitpid should return 
<                immediately without waiting, or also report stopped children.
>     Same as Unix.wait[21.1], but waits for the child process whose pid is
>    given. A pid of -1 means wait for any child. A pid of 0 means wait for any
>    child in the same process group as the current process. Negative pid
>    arguments represent process groups. The list of options indicates whether
>    waitpid should return immediately without waiting, or also report stopped
>    children.
<                 Execute the given command, wait until it terminates, and return
<                 its termination status. The string is interpreted by the shell 
<                /bin/sh and therefore can contain redirections, quotes,
<                variables,  etc. The result WEXITED 127 indicates that the shell
<                couldn't  be executed.
>     Execute the given command, wait until it terminates, and return its
>    termination status. The string is interpreted by the shell /bin/sh and
>    therefore can contain redirections, quotes, variables, etc. The result
>    WEXITED 127 indicates that the shell couldn't be executed.
<                 Change the process priority. The integer argument is added to
<                the  ``nice'' value. (Higher values of the ``nice'' value mean 
<                lower priorities.) Return the new nice value.
>     Change the process priority. The integer argument is added to the "nice"
>    value. (Higher values of the "nice" value mean lower priorities.) Return the
>    new nice value.
<                 File descriptor for standard standard error.
>     File descriptor for standard error.
<                 The type of file access rights.
>     The type of file access rights, e.g. 0o640 is read and write for user, read
>    for group, none for others
<   val openfile :
<     string -> open_flag list -> file_perm -> file_descr
>   val openfile : string -> open_flag list -> file_perm -> file_descr
<                 Open the named file with the given flags. Third argument is 
<                the permissions to give to the file if it is created. Return  a
<                file descriptor on the named file.
>     Open the named file with the given flags. Third argument is the permissions
>    to give to the file if it is created. Return a file descriptor on the named
>    file.
<                 read fd buff ofs len reads len characters from descriptor  fd,
<                storing them in string buff, starting at position ofs  in string
<                buff. Return the number of characters actually read.
>     read fd buff ofs len reads len characters from descriptor fd, storing them
>    in string buff, starting at position ofs in string buff. Return the number
>    of characters actually read.
> <<
>   val write : file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> int
> >>
>     write fd buff ofs len writes len characters to descriptor fd, taking them
>    from string buff, starting at position ofs in string buff. Return the number
>    of characters actually written. write repeats the writing operation until
>    all characters have been written or an error occurs.
<   val write : file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> int
>   val single_write : file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> int
<                 write fd buff ofs len writes len characters to descriptor  fd,
<                taking them from string buff, starting at position ofs  in
<                string buff. Return the number of characters actually  written.
>     Same as write, but attempts to write only once. Thus, if an error occurs,
>    single_write guarantees that no data has been written.
<                 Create an input channel reading from the given descriptor.  The
<                channel is initially in binary mode; use  set_binary_mode_in ic
<                false if text mode is desired.
>     Create an input channel reading from the given descriptor. The channel is
>    initially in binary mode; use set_binary_mode_in ic false if text mode is
>    desired.
<                 Create an output channel writing on the given descriptor.  The
<                channel is initially in binary mode; use  set_binary_mode_out oc
<                false if text mode is desired.
>     Create an output channel writing on the given descriptor. The channel is
>    initially in binary mode; use set_binary_mode_out oc false if text mode is
>    desired.
<                 Truncates the file corresponding to the given descriptor  to
<                the given size.
>     Truncates the file corresponding to the given descriptor to the given size.
< File statistics
< ===============
> File status
> ===========
<                 Return the informations for the named file.
>     Return the information for the named file.
<                 Same as Unix.stat[21.1], but in case the file is a symbolic
<                link,  return the informations for the link itself.
>     Same as Unix.stat[21.1], but in case the file is a symbolic link, return
>    the information for the link itself.
> <<
>   val fstat : file_descr -> stats
> >>
>     Return the information for the file associated with the given descriptor.
<   val fstat : file_descr -> stats
>   val isatty : file_descr -> bool
<                 Return the informations for the file associated with the given 
<                descriptor.
>     Return true if the given file descriptor refers to a terminal or console
>    window, false otherwise.
<   module LargeFile : sig  end
< >>
<     [21.1.1]
>   module LargeFile : >>
>     sig
>    <<
>      val lseek : Unix.file_descr -> int64 -> Unix.seek_command -> int64
>    >>
>    <<
>      val truncate : string -> int64 -> unit
>    >>
>    <<
>      val ftruncate : Unix.file_descr -> int64 -> unit
>    >>
>    <<
>      type stats = {
>        st_dev : int ;
>    >>
>        Device number 
>    <<
>        st_ino : int ;
>    >>
>        Inode number 
>    <<
>        st_kind : Unix.file_kind ;
>    >>
>        Kind of the file 
>    <<
>        st_perm : Unix.file_perm ;
>    >>
>        Access rights 
>    <<
>        st_nlink : int ;
>    >>
>        Number of links 
>    <<
>        st_uid : int ;
>    >>
>        User id of the owner 
>    <<
>        st_gid : int ;
>    >>
>        Group ID of the file's group 
>    <<
>        st_rdev : int ;
>    >>
>        Device minor number 
>    <<
>        st_size : int64 ;
>    >>
>        Size in bytes 
>    <<
>        st_atime : float ;
>    >>
>        Last access time 
>    <<
>        st_mtime : float ;
>    >>
>        Last modification time 
>    <<
>        st_ctime : float ;
>    >>
>        Last status change time 
>    <<
>      }
>    >>
>    <<
>      val stat : string -> stats
>    >>
>    <<
>      val lstat : string -> stats
>    >>
>    <<
>      val fstat : Unix.file_descr -> stats
>    >>
>     end
>     File operations on large files. This sub-module provides 64-bit variants of
>    the functions Unix.lseek[21.1] (for positioning a file descriptor),
>    Unix.truncate[21.1] and Unix.ftruncate[21.1] (for changing the size of a
>    file), and Unix.stat[21.1], Unix.lstat[21.1] and Unix.fstat[21.1] (for
>    obtaining information on files). These alternate functions represent
>    positions and sizes by 64-bit integers (type int64) instead of regular
>    integers (type int), thus allowing operating on files whose sizes are
>    greater than max_int.
<                 link source dest creates a hard link named dest to the file 
<                named source.
>     link source dest creates a hard link named dest to the file named source.
<                 Set the process creation mask, and return the previous mask.
>     Set the process's file mode creation mask, and return the previous mask.
<                 Check that the process has the given permissions over the named
<                 file. Raise Unix_error otherwise.
>     Check that the process has the given permissions over the named file. Raise
>    Unix_error otherwise.
<                 Return a new file descriptor referencing the same file as  the
<                given descriptor.
>     Return a new file descriptor referencing the same file as the given
>    descriptor.
<                 dup2 fd1 fd2 duplicates fd1 to fd2, closing fd2 if already 
<                opened.
>     dup2 fd1 fd2 duplicates fd1 to fd2, closing fd2 if already opened.
<                 Set the ``non-blocking'' flag on the given descriptor.  When
<                the non-blocking flag is set, reading on a descriptor  on which
<                there is temporarily no data available raises the  EAGAIN or
<                EWOULDBLOCK error instead of blocking;  writing on a descriptor
<                on which there is temporarily no room  for writing also raises
<                EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK.
>     Set the "non-blocking" flag on the given descriptor. When the non-blocking
>    flag is set, reading on a descriptor on which there is temporarily no data
>    available raises the EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK error instead of blocking;
>    writing on a descriptor on which there is temporarily no room for writing
>    also raises EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK.
<                 Clear the ``non-blocking'' flag on the given descriptor.  See
>     Clear the "non-blocking" flag on the given descriptor. See
<                 Set the ``close-on-exec'' flag on the given descriptor.  A
<                descriptor with the close-on-exec flag is automatically  closed
<                when the current process starts another program with  one of the
<                exec functions.
>     Set the "close-on-exec" flag on the given descriptor. A descriptor with the
>    close-on-exec flag is automatically closed when the current process starts
>    another program with one of the exec functions.
<                 Clear the ``close-on-exec'' flag on the given descriptor.  See
>     Clear the "close-on-exec" flag on the given descriptor. See
<                Raises End_of_file when the end of the directory has been
<                reached.
>    Raises End_of_file when the end of the directory has been reached.
<                 Create a pipe. The first component of the result is opened  for
<                reading, that's the exit to the pipe. The second component is 
<                opened for writing, that's the entrance to the pipe.
>     Create a pipe. The first component of the result is opened for reading,
>    that's the exit to the pipe. The second component is opened for writing,
>    that's the entrance to the pipe.
<     string array ->
<     file_descr -> file_descr -> file_descr -> int
>     string array -> file_descr -> file_descr -> file_descr -> int
<                 create_process prog args new_stdin new_stdout new_stderr  forks
<                a new process that executes the program  in file prog, with
<                arguments args. The pid of the new  process is returned
<                immediately; the new process executes  concurrently with the
<                current process.  The standard input and outputs of the new
<                process are connected  to the descriptors new_stdin, new_stdout
<                and new_stderr.  Passing e.g. stdout for new_stdout prevents the
<                redirection  and causes the new process to have the same
<                standard output  as the current process.  The executable file
<                prog is searched in the path.  The new process has the same
<                environment as the current process.
>     create_process prog args new_stdin new_stdout new_stderr forks a new
>    process that executes the program in file prog, with arguments args. The pid
>    of the new process is returned immediately; the new process executes
>    concurrently with the current process. The standard input and outputs of the
>    new process are connected to the descriptors new_stdin, new_stdout and
>    new_stderr. Passing e.g. stdout for new_stdout prevents the redirection and
>    causes the new process to have the same standard output as the current
>    process. The executable file prog is searched in the path. The new process
>    has the same environment as the current process.
<     string array ->
<     file_descr -> file_descr -> file_descr -> int
>     string array -> file_descr -> file_descr -> file_descr -> int
<                 create_process_env prog args env new_stdin new_stdout
<                new_stderr  works as Unix.create_process[21.1], except that the
<                extra argument  env specifies the environment passed to the
<                program.
>     create_process_env prog args env new_stdin new_stdout new_stderr works as
>    Unix.create_process[21.1], except that the extra argument env specifies the
>    environment passed to the program.
<                 High-level pipe and process management. This function  runs the
<                given command in parallel with the program.  The standard output
<                of the command is redirected to a pipe,  which can be read via
<                the returned input channel.  The command is interpreted by the
<                shell /bin/sh (cf. system).
>     High-level pipe and process management. This function runs the given
>    command in parallel with the program. The standard output of the command is
>    redirected to a pipe, which can be read via the returned input channel. The
>    command is interpreted by the shell /bin/sh (cf. system).
<                 Same as Unix.open_process_in[21.1], but redirect the standard
<                input of  the command to a pipe. Data written to the returned
<                output channel  is sent to the standard input of the command. 
<                Warning: writes on output channels are buffered, hence be
<                careful  to call Pervasives.flush[19.2] at the right times to
<                ensure  correct synchronization.
>     Same as Unix.open_process_in[21.1], but redirect the standard input of the
>    command to a pipe. Data written to the returned output channel is sent to
>    the standard input of the command. Warning: writes on output channels are
>    buffered, hence be careful to call Pervasives.flush[19.2] at the right times
>    to ensure correct synchronization.
<                 Same as Unix.open_process_out[21.1], but redirects both the
<                standard input  and standard output of the command to pipes
<                connected to the two  returned channels. The input channel is
<                connected to the output  of the command, and the output channel
<                to the input of the command.
>     Same as Unix.open_process_out[21.1], but redirects both the standard input
>    and standard output of the command to pipes connected to the two returned
>    channels. The input channel is connected to the output of the command, and
>    the output channel to the input of the command.
<                 Similar to Unix.open_process[21.1], but the second argument
<                specifies  the environment passed to the command. The result is
<                a triple  of channels connected respectively to the standard
<                output, standard input,  and standard error of the command.
>     Similar to Unix.open_process[21.1], but the second argument specifies the
>    environment passed to the command. The result is a triple of channels
>    connected respectively to the standard output, standard input, and standard
>    error of the command.
<                 Close channels opened by Unix.open_process_in[21.1],   wait for
<                the associated command to terminate,  and return its termination
<                status.
>     Close channels opened by Unix.open_process_in[21.1], wait for the
>    associated command to terminate, and return its termination status.
<                 Close channels opened by Unix.open_process_out[21.1],   wait
<                for the associated command to terminate,  and return its
<                termination status.
>     Close channels opened by Unix.open_process_out[21.1], wait for the
>    associated command to terminate, and return its termination status.
<                 Close channels opened by Unix.open_process[21.1],   wait for
<                the associated command to terminate,  and return its termination
<                status.
>     Close channels opened by Unix.open_process[21.1], wait for the associated
>    command to terminate, and return its termination status.
<                 Close channels opened by Unix.open_process_full[21.1],   wait
<                for the associated command to terminate,  and return its
<                termination status.
>     Close channels opened by Unix.open_process_full[21.1], wait for the
>    associated command to terminate, and return its termination status.
<                 symlink source dest creates the file dest as a symbolic link 
<                to the file source.
>     symlink source dest creates the file dest as a symbolic link to the file
>    source.
<                 Wait until some input/output operations become possible on 
<                some channels. The three list arguments are, respectively, a set
<                 of descriptors to check for reading (first argument), for
<                writing  (second argument), or for exceptional conditions (third
<                argument).  The fourth argument is the maximal timeout, in
<                seconds; a  negative fourth argument means no timeout (unbounded
<                wait).  The result is composed of three sets of descriptors:
<                those ready  for reading (first component), ready for writing
<                (second component),  and over which an exceptional condition is
<                pending (third  component).
>     Wait until some input/output operations become possible on some channels.
>    The three list arguments are, respectively, a set of descriptors to check
>    for reading (first argument), for writing (second argument), or for
>    exceptional conditions (third argument). The fourth argument is the maximal
>    timeout, in seconds; a negative fourth argument means no timeout (unbounded
>    wait). The result is composed of three sets of descriptors: those ready for
>    reading (first component), ready for writing (second component), and over
>    which an exceptional condition is pending (third component).
<                 lockf fd cmd size puts a lock on a region of the file opened 
<                as fd. The region starts at the current read/write position for 
<                fd (as set by Unix.lseek[21.1]), and extends size bytes forward
<                if  size is positive, size bytes backwards if size is negative, 
<                or to the end of the file if size is zero.  A write lock (set
<                with F_LOCK or F_TLOCK) prevents any other  process from
<                acquiring a read or write lock on the region.  A read lock (set
<                with F_RLOCK or F_TRLOCK) prevents any other  process from
<                acquiring a write lock on the region, but lets  other processes
<                acquire read locks on it.
>     lockf fd cmd size puts a lock on a region of the file opened as fd. The
>    region starts at the current read/write position for fd (as set by
>    Unix.lseek[21.1]), and extends size bytes forward if size is positive, size
>    bytes backwards if size is negative, or to the end of the file if size is
>    zero. A write lock prevents any other process from acquiring a read or write
>    lock on the region. A read lock prevents any other process from acquiring a
>    write lock on the region, but lets other processes acquire read locks on it.
>    The F_LOCK and F_TLOCK commands attempts to put a write lock on the
>    specified region. The F_RLOCK and F_TRLOCK commands attempts to put a read
>    lock on the specified region. If one or several locks put by another process
>    prevent the current process from acquiring the lock, F_LOCK and F_RLOCK
>    block until these locks are removed, while F_TLOCK and F_TRLOCK fail
>    immediately with an exception. The F_ULOCK removes whatever locks the
>    current process has on the specified region. Finally, the F_TEST command
>    tests whether a write lock can be acquired on the specified region, without
>    actually putting a lock. It returns immediately if successful, or fails
>    otherwise.
<                 kill pid sig sends signal number sig to the process  with id
<                pid.
>     kill pid sig sends signal number sig to the process with id pid.
<                 sigprocmask cmd sigs changes the set of blocked signals.  If
<                cmd is SIG_SETMASK, blocked signals are set to those in  the
<                list sigs.  If cmd is SIG_BLOCK, the signals in sigs are added
<                to  the set of blocked signals.  If cmd is SIG_UNBLOCK, the
<                signals in sigs are removed  from the set of blocked signals. 
<                sigprocmask returns the set of previously blocked signals.
>     sigprocmask cmd sigs changes the set of blocked signals. If cmd is
>    SIG_SETMASK, blocked signals are set to those in the list sigs. If cmd is
>    SIG_BLOCK, the signals in sigs are added to the set of blocked signals. If
>    cmd is SIG_UNBLOCK, the signals in sigs are removed from the set of blocked
>    signals. sigprocmask returns the set of previously blocked signals.
<                 sigsuspend sigs atomically sets the blocked signals to sig  and
<                waits for a non-ignored, non-blocked signal to be delivered.  On
<                return, the blocked signals are reset to their initial value.
>     sigsuspend sigs atomically sets the blocked signals to sigs and waits for a
>    non-ignored, non-blocked signal to be delivered. On return, the blocked
>    signals are reset to their initial value.
<                 Seconds 0..59 
>     Seconds 0..60 
<                 Return the current time since 00:00:00 GMT, Jan. 1, 1970,  in
<                seconds.
>     Return the current time since 00:00:00 GMT, Jan. 1, 1970, in seconds.
<                 Same as Unix.time[21.1], but with resolution better than 1
<                second.
>     Same as Unix.time[21.1], but with resolution better than 1 second.
<                 Convert a time in seconds, as returned by Unix.time[21.1], into
<                a date and  a time. Assumes Greenwich meridian time zone, also
<                known as UTC.
>     Convert a time in seconds, as returned by Unix.time[21.1], into a date and
>    a time. Assumes UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), also known as GMT.
<                 Convert a time in seconds, as returned by Unix.time[21.1], into
<                a date and  a time. Assumes the local time zone.
>     Convert a time in seconds, as returned by Unix.time[21.1], into a date and
>    a time. Assumes the local time zone.
<                 Convert a date and time, specified by the tm argument, into  a
<                time in seconds, as returned by Unix.time[21.1]. Also return a
<                normalized  copy of the given tm record, with the tm_wday,
<                tm_yday,  and tm_isdst fields recomputed from the other fields. 
<                The tm argument is interpreted in the local time zone.
>     Convert a date and time, specified by the tm argument, into a time in
>    seconds, as returned by Unix.time[21.1]. The tm_isdst, tm_wday and tm_yday
>    fields of tm are ignored. Also return a normalized copy of the given tm
>    record, with the tm_wday, tm_yday, and tm_isdst fields recomputed from the
>    other fields, and the other fields normalized (so that, e.g., 40 October is
>    changed into 9 November). The tm argument is interpreted in the local time
>    zone.
<                 Set the last access time (second arg) and last modification
<                time  (third arg) for a file. Times are expressed in seconds
<                from  00:00:00 GMT, Jan. 1, 1970.
>     Set the last access time (second arg) and last modification time (third
>    arg) for a file. Times are expressed in seconds from 00:00:00 GMT, Jan. 1,
>    1970.
<                 decrements in real time, and sends the signal SIGALRM when
<                expired. 
>     decrements in real time, and sends the signal SIGALRM when expired. 
<                 decrements in process virtual time, and sends SIGVTALRM when
<                expired. 
>     decrements in process virtual time, and sends SIGVTALRM when expired. 
<                 (for profiling) decrements both when the process  is running
<                and when the system is running on behalf of the  process; it
<                sends SIGPROF when expired. 
>     (for profiling) decrements both when the process is running and when the
>    system is running on behalf of the process; it sends SIGPROF when expired. 
<                 setitimer t s sets the interval timer t and returns  its
<                previous status. The s argument is interpreted as follows: 
<                s.it_value, if nonzero, is the time to the next timer
<                expiration;  s.it_interval, if nonzero, specifies a value to  be
<                used in reloading it_value when the timer expires.  Setting
<                s.it_value to zero disable the timer.  Setting s.it_interval to
<                zero causes the timer to be disabled  after its next expiration.
>     setitimer t s sets the interval timer t and returns its previous status.
>    The s argument is interpreted as follows: s.it_value, if nonzero, is the
>    time to the next timer expiration; s.it_interval, if nonzero, specifies a
>    value to be used in reloading it_value when the timer expires. Setting
>    s.it_value to zero disable the timer. Setting s.it_interval to zero causes
>    the timer to be disabled after its next expiration.
<                 Return the list of groups to which the user executing the
<                process  belongs.
>     Return the list of groups to which the user executing the process belongs.
<                 Find an entry in passwd with the given name, or raise 
<                Not_found.
>     Find an entry in passwd with the given name, or raise Not_found.
<                 Find an entry in group with the given name, or raise 
<                Not_found.
>     Find an entry in group with the given name, or raise Not_found.
<                 Find an entry in passwd with the given user id, or raise 
<                Not_found.
>     Find an entry in passwd with the given user id, or raise Not_found.
<                 Find an entry in group with the given group id, or raise 
<                Not_found.
>     Find an entry in group with the given group id, or raise Not_found.
> <<
>   val inet_addr_of_string : string -> inet_addr
> >>
>     Conversion from the printable representation of an Internet address to its
>    internal representation. The argument string consists of 4 numbers separated
>    by periods (XXX.YYY.ZZZ.TTT) for IPv4 addresses, and up to 8 numbers
>    separated by colons for IPv6 addresses. Raise Failure when given a string
>    that does not match these formats.
<   val inet_addr_of_string : string -> inet_addr
>   val string_of_inet_addr : inet_addr -> string
<                 Conversions between string with the format XXX.YYY.ZZZ.TTT  and
<                Internet addresses. inet_addr_of_string raises Failure  when
<                given a string that does not match this format.
>     Return the printable representation of the given Internet address. See
>    Unix.inet_addr_of_string[21.1] for a description of the printable
>    representation.
> <<
>   val inet_addr_any : inet_addr
> >>
>     A special IPv4 address, for use only with bind, representing all the
>    Internet addresses that the host machine possesses.
<   val string_of_inet_addr : inet_addr -> string
>   val inet_addr_loopback : inet_addr
<                 See Unix.inet_addr_of_string[21.1].
>     A special IPv4 address representing the host machine (
> <<
>   val inet6_addr_any : inet_addr
> >>
>     A special IPv6 address, for use only with bind, representing all the
>    Internet addresses that the host machine possesses.
<   val inet_addr_any : inet_addr
>   val inet6_addr_loopback : inet_addr
<                 A special Internet address, for use only with bind,
<                representing  all the Internet addresses that the host machine
<                possesses.
>     A special IPv6 address representing the host machine (::1).
<                 Internet domain 
>     Internet domain (IPv4) 
<                 The type of socket domains.
> <<
>     | PF_INET6
> >>
>     Internet domain (IPv6) 
>     The type of socket domains.
<                 The type of socket kinds, specifying the semantics of 
<                communications.
>     The type of socket kinds, specifying the semantics of communications.
<                 The type of socket addresses. ADDR_UNIX name is a socket 
<                address in the Unix domain; name is a file name in the file 
<                system. ADDR_INET(addr,port) is a socket address in the Internet
<                 domain; addr is the Internet address of the machine, and  port
<                is the port number. 
>     The type of socket addresses. ADDR_UNIX name is a socket address in the
>    Unix domain; name is a file name in the file system. ADDR_INET(addr,port) is
>    a socket address in the Internet domain; addr is the Internet address of the
>    machine, and port is the port number. 
<                 Create a new socket in the given domain, and with the  given
<                kind. The third argument is the protocol type; 0 selects  the
<                default protocol for that kind of sockets.
>     Create a new socket in the given domain, and with the given kind. The third
>    argument is the protocol type; 0 selects the default protocol for that kind
>    of sockets.
> <<
>   val domain_of_sockaddr : sockaddr -> socket_domain
> >>
>     Return the socket domain adequate for the given socket address.
<                 Accept connections on the given socket. The returned descriptor
<                 is a socket connected to the client; the returned address is 
<                the address of the connecting client.
>     Accept connections on the given socket. The returned descriptor is a socket
>    connected to the client; the returned address is the address of the
>    connecting client.
<                 Set up a socket for receiving connection requests. The integer 
<                argument is the maximal number of pending requests.
>     Set up a socket for receiving connection requests. The integer argument is
>    the maximal number of pending requests.
<                 Shutdown a socket connection. SHUTDOWN_SEND as second argument 
<                causes reads on the other end of the connection to return  an
<                end-of-file condition.  SHUTDOWN_RECEIVE causes writes on the
<                other end of the connection  to return a closed pipe condition
<                (SIGPIPE signal).
>     Shutdown a socket connection. SHUTDOWN_SEND as second argument causes reads
>    on the other end of the connection to return an end-of-file condition.
>    SHUTDOWN_RECEIVE causes writes on the other end of the connection to return
>    a closed pipe condition (SIGPIPE signal).
<                 The flags for Unix.recv[21.1], Unix.recvfrom[21.1],  
<                Unix.send[21.1] and Unix.sendto[21.1]. 
>     The flags for Unix.recv[21.1], Unix.recvfrom[21.1], Unix.send[21.1] and
>    Unix.sendto[21.1]. 
<   val recv :
<     file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> msg_flag list -> int
>   val recv : file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> msg_flag list -> int
<   val send :
<     file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> msg_flag list -> int
>   val send : file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> msg_flag list -> int
<                 The socket options that can be consulted with
<                Unix.getsockopt[21.1]  and modified with Unix.setsockopt[21.1].
<                These options have a boolean  (true/false) value.
>     The socket options that can be consulted with Unix.getsockopt[21.1] and
>    modified with Unix.setsockopt[21.1]. These options have a boolean
>    (true/false) value.
<                 The socket options that can be consulted with
<                Unix.getsockopt_int[21.1]  and modified with
<                Unix.setsockopt_int[21.1]. These options have an  integer value.
>     The socket options that can be consulted with Unix.getsockopt_int[21.1] and
>    modified with Unix.setsockopt_int[21.1]. These options have an integer
>    value.
<                 Whether to linger on closed connections  that have data
<                present, and for how long  (in seconds) 
<                 The socket options that can be consulted with
<                Unix.getsockopt_optint[21.1]  and modified with
<                Unix.setsockopt_optint[21.1]. These options have a  value of
<                type int option, with None meaning ``disabled''.
>     Whether to linger on closed connections that have data present, and for how
>    long (in seconds) 
>     The socket options that can be consulted with Unix.getsockopt_optint[21.1]
>    and modified with Unix.setsockopt_optint[21.1]. These options have a value
>    of type int option, with None meaning "disabled".
<                 The socket options that can be consulted with
<                Unix.getsockopt_float[21.1]  and modified with
<                Unix.setsockopt_float[21.1]. These options have a 
<                floating-point value representing a time in seconds.  The value
<                0 means infinite timeout.
>     The socket options that can be consulted with Unix.getsockopt_float[21.1]
>    and modified with Unix.setsockopt_float[21.1]. These options have a
>    floating-point value representing a time in seconds. The value 0 means
>    infinite timeout.
<                 Return the current status of a boolean-valued option  in the
<                given socket.
>     Return the current status of a boolean-valued option in the given socket.
<                 Same as Unix.getsockopt[21.1] for an integer-valued socket
<                option.
>     Same as Unix.getsockopt[21.1] for an integer-valued socket option.
<                 Same as Unix.setsockopt[21.1] for an integer-valued socket
<                option.
>     Same as Unix.setsockopt[21.1] for an integer-valued socket option.
<   val getsockopt_optint :
<     file_descr -> socket_optint_option -> int option
>   val getsockopt_optint : file_descr -> socket_optint_option -> int option
<                 Same as Unix.getsockopt[21.1] for a socket option whose value
<                is an int option.
>     Same as Unix.getsockopt[21.1] for a socket option whose value is an int
>    option.
<                 Same as Unix.setsockopt[21.1] for a socket option whose value
<                is an int option.
>     Same as Unix.setsockopt[21.1] for a socket option whose value is an int
>    option.
<                 Same as Unix.getsockopt[21.1] for a socket option whose value
<                is a floating-point number.
>     Same as Unix.getsockopt[21.1] for a socket option whose value is a
>    floating-point number.
<   val setsockopt_float :
<     file_descr -> socket_float_option -> float -> unit
>   val setsockopt_float : file_descr -> socket_float_option -> float -> unit
<                 Same as Unix.setsockopt[21.1] for a socket option whose value
<                is a floating-point number.
>     Same as Unix.setsockopt[21.1] for a socket option whose value is a
>    floating-point number.
<                 Connect to a server at the given address.  Return a pair of
<                buffered channels connected to the server.  Remember to call
<                Pervasives.flush[19.2] on the output channel at the right times 
<                to ensure correct synchronization.
>     Connect to a server at the given address. Return a pair of buffered
>    channels connected to the server. Remember to call Pervasives.flush[19.2] on
>    the output channel at the right times to ensure correct synchronization.
<                 ``Shut down'' a connection established with
<                Unix.open_connection[21.1];  that is, transmit an end-of-file
<                condition to the server reading  on the other side of the
<                connection.
>     "Shut down" a connection established with Unix.open_connection[21.1]; that
>    is, transmit an end-of-file condition to the server reading on the other
>    side of the connection.
<                 Establish a server on the given address.  The function given as
<                first argument is called for each connection  with two buffered
<                channels connected to the client. A new process  is created for
<                each connection. The function Unix.establish_server[21.1]  never
<                returns normally.
>     Establish a server on the given address. The function given as first
>    argument is called for each connection with two buffered channels connected
>    to the client. A new process is created for each connection. The function
>    Unix.establish_server[21.1] never returns normally.
> <<
>   val gethostbyname : string -> host_entry
> >>
>     Find an entry in hosts with the given name, or raise Not_found.
<   val gethostbyname : string -> host_entry
>   val gethostbyaddr : inet_addr -> host_entry
<                 Find an entry in hosts with the given name, or raise 
<                Not_found.
>     Find an entry in hosts with the given address, or raise Not_found.
> <<
>   val getprotobyname : string -> protocol_entry
> >>
>     Find an entry in protocols with the given name, or raise Not_found.
<   val gethostbyaddr : inet_addr -> host_entry
>   val getprotobynumber : int -> protocol_entry
<                 Find an entry in hosts with the given address, or raise 
>     Find an entry in protocols with the given protocol number, or raise
> <<
>   val getservbyname : string -> string -> service_entry
> >>
>     Find an entry in services with the given name, or raise Not_found.
<   val getprotobyname : string -> protocol_entry
>   val getservbyport : int -> string -> service_entry
<                 Find an entry in protocols with the given name, or raise 
>     Find an entry in services with the given service number, or raise
> <<
>   type addr_info = {
>     ai_family : socket_domain ;
> >>
>     Socket domain 
<   val getprotobynumber : int -> protocol_entry
>     ai_socktype : socket_type ;
<                 Find an entry in protocols with the given protocol number,  or
<                raise Not_found.
>     Socket type 
> <<
>     ai_protocol : int ;
> >>
>     Socket protocol number 
<   val getservbyname : string -> string -> service_entry
>     ai_addr : sockaddr ;
<                 Find an entry in services with the given name, or raise 
<                Not_found.
>     Address 
> <<
>     ai_canonname : string ;
> >>
>     Canonical host name 
> <<
>   }
> >>
>     Address information returned by Unix.getaddrinfo[21.1].
> <<
>   type getaddrinfo_option =
>     | AI_FAMILY of socket_domain
> >>
>     Impose the given socket domain 
<   val getservbyport : int -> string -> service_entry
>     | AI_SOCKTYPE of socket_type
> >>
>     Impose the given socket type 
> <<
>     | AI_PROTOCOL of int
> >>
>     Impose the given protocol 
> <<
<                 Find an entry in services with the given service number,  or
<                raise Not_found.
>     Do not call name resolver, expect numeric IP address 
> <<
> >>
>     Fill the ai_canonname field of the result 
> <<
>     | AI_PASSIVE
> >>
>     Set address to "any" address for use with Unix.bind[21.1] 
>     Options to Unix.getaddrinfo[21.1].
> <<
>   val getaddrinfo :
>     string -> string -> getaddrinfo_option list -> addr_info list
> >>
>     getaddrinfo host service opts returns a list of Unix.addr_info[21.1]
>    records describing socket parameters and addresses suitable for
>    communicating with the given host and service. The empty list is returned if
>    the host or service names are unknown, or the constraints expressed in opts
>    cannot be satisfied.
>    host is either a host name or the string representation of an IP address.
>    host can be given as the empty string; in this case, the "any" address or
>    the "loopback" address are used, depending whether opts contains AI_PASSIVE.
>    service is either a service name or the string representation of a port
>    number. service can be given as the empty string; in this case, the port
>    field of the returned addresses is set to 0. opts is a possibly empty list
>    of options that allows the caller to force a particular socket domain (e.g.
>    IPv6 only or IPv4 only) or a particular socket type (e.g. TCP only or UDP
>    only).
> <<
>   type name_info = {
>     ni_hostname : string ;
> >>
>     Name or IP address of host 
> <<
>     ni_service : string ;
>   }
> >>
>     Name of service or port number
>   Host and service information returned by Unix.getnameinfo[21.1].
> <<
>   type getnameinfo_option =
>     | NI_NOFQDN
> >>
>     Do not qualify local host names 
> <<
> >>
>     Always return host as IP address 
> <<
> >>
>     Fail if host name cannot be determined 
> <<
> >>
>     Always return service as port number 
> <<
>     | NI_DGRAM
> >>
>     Consider the service as UDP-based instead of the default TCP 
>     Options to Unix.getnameinfo[21.1].
> <<
>   val getnameinfo : sockaddr -> getnameinfo_option list -> name_info
> >>
>     getnameinfo addr opts returns the host name and service name corresponding
>    to the socket address addr. opts is a possibly empty list of options that
>    governs how these names are obtained. Raise Not_found if an error occurs.
<   The following functions implement the POSIX standard terminal  interface.
< They provide control over asynchronous communication ports  and
< pseudo-terminals. Refer to the termios man page for a  complete description.
>   The following functions implement the POSIX standard terminal interface. They
> provide control over asynchronous communication ports and pseudo-terminals.
> Refer to the termios man page for a complete description.
<                 Minimum number of characters to read  before the read request
<                is satisfied. 
>     Minimum number of characters to read before the read request is satisfied. 
<                 Return the status of the terminal referred to by the given 
<                file descriptor.
>     Return the status of the terminal referred to by the given file descriptor.
<   val tcsetattr :
<     file_descr -> setattr_when -> terminal_io -> unit
>   val tcsetattr : file_descr -> setattr_when -> terminal_io -> unit
<                 Set the status of the terminal referred to by the given  file
<                descriptor. The second argument indicates when the  status
<                change takes place: immediately (TCSANOW),  when all pending
<                output has been transmitted (TCSADRAIN),  or after flushing all
<                input that has been received but not  read (TCSAFLUSH).
<                TCSADRAIN is recommended when changing  the output parameters;
>     Set the status of the terminal referred to by the given file descriptor.
>    The second argument indicates when the status change takes place:
>    immediately (TCSANOW), when all pending output has been transmitted
>    (TCSADRAIN), or after flushing all input that has been received but not read
>    (TCSAFLUSH). TCSADRAIN is recommended when changing the output parameters;
<                 Send a break condition on the given file descriptor.  The
<                second argument is the duration of the break, in 0.1s units;  0
<                means standard duration (0.25s).
>     Send a break condition on the given file descriptor. The second argument is
>    the duration of the break, in 0.1s units; 0 means standard duration (0.25s).
<                 Waits until all output written on the given file descriptor 
<                has been transmitted.
>     Waits until all output written on the given file descriptor has been
>    transmitted.
<                 Discard data written on the given file descriptor but not yet 
<                transmitted, or data received but not yet read, depending on the
<                 second argument: TCIFLUSH flushes data received but not read, 
<                TCOFLUSH flushes data written but not transmitted, and 
<                TCIOFLUSH flushes both.
>     Discard data written on the given file descriptor but not yet transmitted,
>    or data received but not yet read, depending on the second argument:
>    TCIFLUSH flushes data received but not read, TCOFLUSH flushes data written
>    but not transmitted, and TCIOFLUSH flushes both.
<                 Suspend or restart reception or transmission of data on  the
<                given file descriptor, depending on the second argument:  TCOOFF
<                suspends output, TCOON restarts output,  TCIOFF transmits a STOP
<                character to suspend input,  and TCION transmits a START
<                character to restart input.
>     Suspend or restart reception or transmission of data on the given file
>    descriptor, depending on the second argument: TCOOFF suspends output, TCOON
>    restarts output, TCIOFF transmits a STOP character to suspend input, and
>    TCION transmits a START character to restart input.
<                 Put the calling process in a new session and detach it from 
<                its controlling terminal.
< 21.1.1  Module Unix.LargeFile : File operations on large files.
< ===============================================================
< <<
<   module LargeFile : sig
< >>
<   This sub-module provides 64-bit variants of the functions  Unix.lseek[21.1]
< (for positioning a file descriptor),  Unix.truncate[21.1] and
< Unix.ftruncate[21.1] (for changing the size of a file),  and Unix.stat[21.1],
< Unix.lstat[21.1] and Unix.fstat[21.1] (for obtaining  information on files).
< These alternate functions represent  positions and sizes by 64-bit integers
< (type int64) instead of  regular integers (type int), thus allowing operating
< on files  whose sizes are greater than max_int.
< <<
<   val lseek : Unix.file_descr -> int64 -> Unix.seek_command -> int64
< >>
< <<
<   val truncate : string -> int64 -> unit
< >>
< <<
<   val ftruncate : Unix.file_descr -> int64 -> unit
< >>
< <<
<   type  stats = {
<     st_dev : int ;
< >>
<                 Device number 
< <<
<     st_ino : int ;
< >>
<                 Inode number 
< <<
<     st_kind : Unix.file_kind ;
< >>
<                 Kind of the file 
< <<
<     st_perm : Unix.file_perm ;
< >>
<                 Access rights 
< <<
<     st_nlink : int ;
< >>
<                 Number of links 
< <<
<     st_uid : int ;
< >>
<                 User id of the owner 
< <<
<     st_gid : int ;
< >>
<                 Group ID of the file's group 
< <<
<     st_rdev : int ;
< >>
<                 Device minor number 
< <<
<     st_size : int64 ;
< >>
<                 Size in bytes 
< <<
<     st_atime : float ;
< >>
<                 Last access time 
< <<
<     st_mtime : float ;
< >>
<                 Last modification time 
< <<
<     st_ctime : float ;
< >>
<                 Last status change time 
< <<
<   }
< >>
< <<
<   val stat : string -> stats
< >>
< <<
<   val lstat : string -> stats
< >>
< <<
<   val fstat : Unix.file_descr -> stats
< >>
< <<
<   end
< >>
>     Put the calling process in a new session and detach it from its controlling
>    terminal.
<      MacOS: 
<                 Under MacOS, the Unix library is only available in the toplevel
<                application, not in MPW tools. Below is a list of the functions
<                that are not implemented, or only partially implemented, under
<                MacOS. Functions not mentioned are fully implemented and behave
<                as described previously in this chapter.
<                   ----------------------------------------------------------
<                   |           Functions            |        Comment        |
<                   ----------------------------------------------------------
<                   |chown, fchown                   |not implemented        |
<                   |chroot                          |not implemented        |
<                   |environment, putenv             |not implemented        |
<                   |execv, execve, execvp, execvpe  |not implemented        |
<                   |fork                            |not implemented, use   |
<                   |                                |threads                |
<                   |getegid, geteuid, getgid, getuid|always return 1        |
<                   |getgrnam, getgrgid              |not implemented        |
<                   |getlogin                        |returns the user name  |
<                   |                                |as set in the Internet |
<                   |                                |control panel          |
<                   |getpid                          |returns the low-order  |
<                   |                                |31 bits of the PSN     |
<                   |getppid                         |not implemented        |
<                   |getpwnam, getpwuid              |not implemented        |
<                   |kill                            |not implemented        |
<                   |link                            |not implemented        |
<                   |mkfifo                          |not implemented        |
<                   |nice                            |not implemented        |
<                   |setgid, setuid                  |not implemented        |
<                   |times                           |only the process user  |
<                   |                                |time is returned       |
<                   |umask                           |not implemented        |
<                   |wait                            |not implemented        |
<                   |waitpid                         |not implemented        |
<                   |establish_server                |not implemented; use   |
<                   |                                |threads                |
<                   |terminal functions (tc*)        |not implemented        |
<                   ----------------------------------------------------------
<                 The Cygwin port of Objective Caml fully implements all
<                functions from the Unix module. The native Win32 port implements
<                a subset of them. Below is a list of the functions that are not
<                implemented, or only partially implemented, by the Win32 port.
<                Functions not mentioned are fully implemented and behave as
<                described previously in this chapter.
>     The Cygwin port of Objective Caml fully implements all functions from the
>    Unix module. The native Win32 ports implement a subset of them. Below is a
>    list of the functions that are not implemented, or only partially
>    implemented, by the Win32 ports. Functions not mentioned are fully
>    implemented and behave as described previously in this chapter.
<                     |fork                        |not implemented, use   |
>               | fork                       |not implemented, use   |
<                     |                            |under NT and 2000      |
>               |                            |under NT, 2000, XP     |
<                     |                            |threads  if you need to|
>               |                            |threads if you need to |
>               |open_connection             |does not work under    |
>               |                            |Windows 95, 98, ME;    |
>               |                            |works fine under NT,   |
>               |                            |2000, XP               |

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