15.4 Adding command line options

15.4.1. Compilation and usage

The command line analysis is performed after loading the module containing the documentation generator, thus allowing command line options to be added to the list of existing ones. Adding an option can be done with the function

Odoc_args.add_option : string * Arg.spec * string -> unit

Note: Existing command line options can be redefined using this function.

15.4.1 Compilation and usage

Defining a custom generator class in one file

Let custom.ml be the file defining a new generator class. Compilation of custom.ml can be performed by the following command :

ocamlc -I +ocamldoc -c custom.ml

The file custom.cmo is created and can be used this way :

ocamldoc -g custom.cmo other-options source-files

It is important not to give the -html or any other option selecting a built in generator to ocamldoc, which would result in using this generator instead of the one you just loaded.

Defining a custom generator class in several files

It is possible to define a generator class in several modules, which are defined in several files file1.ml[i], file2.ml[i], ..., fileN.ml[i]. A .cma library file must be created, including all these files.

The following commands create the custom.cma file from files file1.ml[i], ..., fileN.ml[i] :

ocamlc -I +ocamldoc -c file1.ml[i]
ocamlc -I +ocamldoc -c file2.ml[i]
ocamlc -I +ocamldoc -c fileN.ml[i]
ocamlc -o custom.cma -a file1.cmo file2.cmo ... fileN.cmo

Then, the following command uses custom.cma as custom generator:

ocamldoc -g custom.cma other-options source-files

Again, it is important not to give the -html or any other option selecting a built in generator to ocamldoc, which would result in using this generator instead of the one you just loaded.